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Wednesday, 2 July 2014

Log cabin cushions…

I'm amazed at how many projects some people seem to have on the go at once. This seems to be particularly the case with knitters–at least it is with the knitters whose blogs I read. Perhaps I'm less able to multi-task but I prefer to concentrate on one, or two, things at a time. On my knitting needles, I have one slouchy jumper, although I do have two sewing projects on the go. There's my white quilt, and then there are these log cabin bolsters. Both the EPP log cabin sections are done and the quilting (masses of small running stitch) for one bolster is complete, while the other is half finished.

It might not look like a lot of work but it's amazing how all that running stitch gobbles up the thread. So far, I've got through about 700m of it, and I'm not sure there'll be enough left on the reel to finish the job! I decided to concentrate on these cushions, and put away my white quilt, as I didn't feel I was making much progress on either while hopping from one thing to another (definitely not a sewing multi-tasker), and it was the right thing to do. The humble little running stitch is absolutely my favourite desert island stitch to do. I find it so soothing and satisfying to simply weave my needle up and down through fabric, then see ripples emerge between the stitches as more rows are worked.

The texture this kind of running stitch produces can't be beaten; it's tactile yet subtle, and reminds me of marks left on the sand at low tide. The only downside is that as soon as I've produced enough of it, I tend to spend too much time running my fingers over the bumps when I really should be working more stitches!

So, all those wretched stars (still about half a galaxy's worth to do) needed to quilt my white quilt, currently hold very little appeal, and it will continue to languish in the cupboard until I've had my fill of running stitch. Which, I guess means I'm currently a one sewing project person.

Are you a multi-tasker, or a one-at-time type of sewer?



  1. When we work on a limited number of projects I think we can enjoy them more and keep a more even quality. Your running stitches, e.g. are so even and neat. I am sure that is because of the rhythm you have achieved through steady concentrated work.
    I need a few projects at the same time to keep me from getting bored!

  2. One at a time, usually, because of the conviction that if I start a new project I may never finish the last. Occasionally a distraction creeps in though! I love these, and I love your running stitch - I completely agree with you, the texture it creates is beautiful. Hard on the fingers though - and can I be trainspottery and ask what kind of needle you use?!

    1. Whatever needle I can get the thread through! I'm not very strict when it comes to using the right tools for the job.

  3. I'm definitely a multi-tasker but I'm not sure if it's the sensible thing to do - I've never given 'one-job-at-a-time' a chance to see if I would be quicker or have better results. I usually have too many ideas bursting to be tried, so I get impatient and jump on to the next thing.
    Lovely blue/beige combination in your quilt.
    Teresa x


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